Source code for pysys.perf.reporters

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2022 M.B. Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Contains the built-in reporter classes. 

import collections, threading, time, math, sys, os
import io
import logging
import json
import glob

from pysys.perf.api import *
from pysys.constants import *
from pysys.utils.logutils import BaseLogFormatter
from pysys.utils.fileutils import mkdir, toLongPathSafe
from pysys.utils.pycompat import *

log = logging.getLogger('pysys.perfreporter')

[docs]class CSVPerformanceReporter(BasePerformanceReporter): """Performance reporter which writes to a CSV file. This reporter writes to a UTF-8 file of comma-separated values that is both machine and human readable and easy to view and use in any spreadsheet program, and after the columns containing the information for each result, contains comma-separated metadata containing key=value information about the entire run (e.g. hostname, date/time, etc), and (optionally) associated with each individual test result (e.g. test mode etc). The per-run and per-result metadata is not arranged in columns since the structure differs from row to row. After tests have run, the summary file is published with category ``CSVPerformanceReport`` using the `pysys.writer.api.ArtifactPublisher` interface. The following properties can be set in the project configuration for this reporter: """ summaryFile = '' """ The filename pattern used for the summary file(s); see `DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE`. For compatibility purposes, if not specified explicitly, the summary file for the CSVPerformanceReporter can be configured with the project property ``csvPerformanceReporterSummaryFile``, however this is deprecated. This property can also be accessed and configured under the alternative capitalization ``summaryfile``, however this is discouraged as of PySys 2.1+, where ``summaryFile`` is the preferred name. """ aggregateCycles = False """ Enable this if you want PySys to rewrite the summary file at the end of a multi-cycle test with an aggregated file containing the mean and standard deviation for all the cycles, rather than a separate line for each cycle. This may be easier to consume when triaging performance results and looking for regressions. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ publishArtifactCategory = 'CSVPerformanceReport' """ If specified, the output file will be published as an artifact using the specified category name. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE = '__pysys_performance/${outDirName}_${hostname}/perf_${startDate}_${startTime}.${outDirName}.csv' """The default summary file if not overridden by the ``csvPerformanceReporterSummaryFile`` project property, or the ``summaryFile=`` attribute. See `getRunSummaryFile()`. This is relative to the runner output+'/..' directory (typically testRootDir, unless ``--outdir`` is overridden). """ def setup(self, **kwargs): super().setup() # for backwards compat self.summaryfile = self.summaryfile or self.summaryFile or getattr(self.project, 'csvPerformanceReporterSummaryFile', '') or self.DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE self.__summaryFilesWritten = set() def getRunHeader(self, testobj=None, **kwargs): """Return the header string to the CSV file. There should usually be no reason to override this method. :meta private: """ try: runDetails = self.getRunDetails(testobj) except Exception: # for pre-2.0 signature runDetails = self.getRunDetails() return CSVPerformanceFile.makeCSVHeaderLine(runDetails) def cleanup(self): with self._lock: if self.runner is not None and self.__summaryFilesWritten: for p in sorted(list(self.__summaryFilesWritten)): if self.runner.cycle > 1 and self.aggregateCycles: try: perfFile = CSVPerformanceFile.load(p) perfFile = CSVPerformanceFile.aggregate([perfFile]) except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover log.exception('Failed to read and aggregate performance information for %s: '%p) # Don't make it fatal, more useful to go ahead and publish it as best we can else:'Rewriting CSV to aggregate results across all %d cycles'%self.runner.cycles) perfFile.dump(p)'Performance results were written to: %s', os.path.normpath(p)) # absolute path is easiest to deal with' (add the above path to env %s to show a comparison against that baseline on future test runs)', PrintSummaryPerformanceReporter.BASELINES_ENV_VAR) if self.publishArtifactCategory: self.runner.publishArtifact(p, self.publishArtifactCategory) def reportResult(self, testobj, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs=None, resultDetails=None): formatted = self.formatResult(testobj, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs, resultDetails) self.recordResult(formatted, testobj) def formatResult(self, testobj, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs, resultDetails): """Retrieve an object representing the specified arguments that will be passed to recordResult to be written to the performance file(s). :meta private: :param testobj: the test case instance registering the value :param value: the value to be reported :param resultKey: a unique string that fully identifies what was measured :param unit: identifies the unit the value is measured in :param toleranceStdDevs: indicates how many standard deviations away from the mean for a regression :param resultDetails: A dictionary of detailed information that should be recorded together with the result """ data = {'resultKey':resultKey, 'testId', 'value':str(value), 'unit':str(unit), 'biggerIsBetter':str(unit.biggerIsBetter).upper(), 'toleranceStdDevs':str(toleranceStdDevs) if toleranceStdDevs else '', 'samples':'1', 'stdDev':'0' , 'resultDetails':resultDetails } return CSVPerformanceFile.toCSVLine(data)+'\n' def recordResult(self, formatted, testobj): """Record results to the performance summary file. :meta private: :param formatted: the formatted string to write :param testobj: object reference to the calling test """ # generate a file in the test output directory for convenience/triaging, plus add to the global summary path = testobj.output+'/performance_results.csv' encoding = 'utf-8' def callGetRunHeader(): try: return self.getRunHeader(testobj) except Exception: # pragma: no cover - for pre-2.0 signature return self.getRunHeader() if not os.path.exists(path): with, 'w', encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(callGetRunHeader()) with, 'a', encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(formatted) # now the global one path = self.getRunSummaryFile(testobj) mkdir(os.path.dirname(path)) with self._lock: alreadyexists = os.path.exists(toLongPathSafe(path)) with, 'a', encoding=encoding) as f: if not alreadyexists:'Creating performance summary log file at: %s', os.path.normpath(path)) f.write(callGetRunHeader()) f.write(formatted) self.__summaryFilesWritten.add(path) @staticmethod def tryDeserializePerformanceFile(path): if not path.endswith('.csv'): return None return CSVPerformanceFile.load(path)
[docs]class JSONPerformanceReporter(BasePerformanceReporter): """Performance reporter which writes to a JSON file. After tests have run, the summary file is published with category ``JSONPerformanceReport`` using the `pysys.writer.api.ArtifactPublisher` interface. .. versionadded:: 2.1 The following properties can be set in the project configuration for this reporter: """ summaryFile = '' """ The ``.json`` filename pattern used for the summary file(s); see `DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE`. """ publishArtifactCategory = 'JSONPerformanceReport' """ If specified, the output file will be published as an artifact using the specified category name. """ DEFAULT_SUMMARY_FILE = '__pysys_performance/${outDirName}_${hostname}/perf_${startDate}_${startTime}.${outDirName}.json' """The default summary file if not overridden by the ``summaryFile=`` attribute. See `getRunSummaryFile()`. This is relative to the runner output+'/..' directory (typically testRootDir, unless ``--outdir`` is overridden). """ def setup(self, **kwargs): super().setup() self.__summaryFilesWritten = set() def reportResult(self, testobj, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs=None, resultDetails=None): path = self.getRunSummaryFile(testobj) mkdir(os.path.dirname(path)) with self._lock: alreadyexists = os.path.exists(toLongPathSafe(path)) with, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: if not alreadyexists:'Creating performance summary log file at: %s', os.path.normpath(path)) f.write('{"runDetails": ') json.dump(self.getRunDetails(testobj), f) f.write(', "results":[\n') else: f.write(',\n') json.dump({ 'resultKey':resultKey, 'value':value, 'unit':str(unit), 'biggerIsBetter':unit.biggerIsBetter, 'samples':1, 'stdDev':0, 'toleranceStdDevs':toleranceStdDevs, 'testId', 'resultDetails':resultDetails or {} }, f) self.__summaryFilesWritten.add(path) def cleanup(self): with self._lock: if self.__summaryFilesWritten: for p in sorted(list(self.__summaryFilesWritten)): with, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n]}\n')'Performance results were written to: %s', os.path.normpath(p).replace(os.path.normpath(self.project.testRootDir), '').lstrip('/\\')) if self.publishArtifactCategory: self.runner.publishArtifact(p, self.publishArtifactCategory) @staticmethod def tryDeserializePerformanceFile(path): if not path.endswith('.json'): return None with, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = json.load(f) return PerformanceRunData(path, data['runDetails'], data['results'])
[docs]class PrintSummaryPerformanceReporter(BasePerformanceReporter): """Performance reporter which logs a human-friendly summary of all performance results to the console at the end of the test run. By setting the `BASELINES_ENV_VAR` environment variable, this reporter will also print out an automatic comparison from the named baseline file(s) to the results from the current test run. This feature is very useful when comparingdifferent strategies for optimizing your application. .. versionadded:: 2.1 """ BASELINES_ENV_VAR = 'PYSYS_PERFORMANCE_BASELINES' """ Set this environment variable to a comma-separated list of performance (e.g. ``.csv``) files to print out an automatic comparison from the baseline file(s) to the results from the current test run. This feature is very useful when comparing different strategies for optimizing your application. For best results, use multiple cycles for all test runs so that standard deviation can be calculated. The filenames can be absolute paths, glob paths using ``*`` and ``**``, or relative to the testRootDir. For example:: export PYSYS_PERFORMANCE_BASELINES=__pysys_performance/mybaseline*/**/*.csv,__pysys_performance/optimization1*/**/*.csv """ def setup(self, **kwargs): super().setup() self.results = [] import pysys.perf.perfreportstool self.comparisonGenerator = pysys.perf.perfreportstool.PerformanceComparisonGenerator(reporters=self.runner.performanceReporters) self.baselines = self.comparisonGenerator.loadFiles( baselineBaseDir=self.project.testRootDir, paths=os.getenv(self.BASELINES_ENV_VAR,'').split(','), ) if self.baselines:'Successfully loaded performance comparison data from %d files: %s', len(self.baselines), ', '.join( for b in self.baselines)) def reportResult(self, testobj, value, resultKey, unit, toleranceStdDevs=None, resultDetails=None): with self._lock: self.results.append({ 'resultKey':resultKey, 'value':value, 'unit':str(unit), 'biggerIsBetter':unit.biggerIsBetter, 'samples':1, 'stdDev':0, 'toleranceStdDevs':toleranceStdDevs, 'testId', 'resultDetails':resultDetails or {} }) def isEnabled(self, **kwargs): return True def cleanup(self): if not self.isEnabled(): return if not self.results: return with self._lock: logmethod = logging.getLogger('pysys.perfreporter.summary').info # perform aggregation in case there are multiple cycles p = PerformanceRunData.aggregate(PerformanceRunData('this', self.getRunDetails(), self.results)) if not self.baselines: logmethod('Performance results summary:') # simple formatting when there's no comparisons to be done for r in p.results: logmethod(" %s = %s %s (%s)%s %s", r['resultKey'], self.valueToDisplayString(r['value']), r['unit'], 'bigger is better' if r['biggerIsBetter'] else 'smaller is better', '' if r['samples']==1 or ['value'] == 0 else f", stdDev={self.valueToDisplayString(r['stdDev'])} ({100.0*r['stdDev']/r['value']:0.1f}% of mean)", r['testId'], extra = BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_TEST_PERFORMANCE, [0,1], suppress_prefix=True)) else: logmethod('\n') self.comparisonGenerator.logComparisons(self.baselines+[p])